now, time passing and it feels like my life just 'life' right now. i couldn't feel enjoy myself in senior high school. it feels like something is missing, and sometimes it makes me always thinking of something but i don't really know what is that. Is that a feel that we have if we miss someone? i am not really know that but i think the most people i missed of is my best friends. we always get along together in junior high school. but, we were separated away because we no longer in one school and we don't have much time to hang out and have fun.

in my point of view of senior high school when i was in junior high school, that to be a student of senior high school is amazing but i was wrong. i just feel like 'student', it feels very different if you compare between junior high school and senior high school. it doesn't mean that i never have fun here. of course i do, but it doesn't feels like i have fun so much. do you understand? i am not really laugh with my natural laugh. i just 'laughed'. i really miss my friends in junior high school. my life there always laughing until my stomach get hurt hahahaha. oowh, if i flashback all the time we've passed by, it feels so much fun than senior high school. the most people who always and everyday makes me laugh is my best friend Mursya. He is amazing people that makes me laugh wherever it is and he can easily calm down my anger just with a second and fuwalaaa i will not mad to him AT ALL.

if i see what i see now, i think the boy in my class now is soooooo noisy. but this noisy always makes me angry, but there are times i'm not mad at them. but, no one can calm down my anger -.- and i will remember the memories when i was in junior high school. i think i and mursya are so close but not at that kind relationship. i just love to hang out with him because i can free laughing even look at his face. always laugh make us much younger huh? ooh i miss him so much. can we go to watch Harry Potter on Saturday? but i don't think my friends will agree if he join with us.
he is kind and funny but if he change to be soo suck, he will be sooooooo suck! until i want to jump and kick his butt -..- but well, you know.. my anger easily calm down with him. i don't know why either. i think he have many 'HATER' and the reason why he got so many haters because of his 'ego' and he can't handle his emotion. if he got too angry even it is girl or boy, he will mad with them but with something that makes me hard to explain -.-
okay, i think i will invite him to hang out with us on Saturday. i need some real laugh here *^*